Safety Policy
Modern Arch Contracting Est. are committed to continuing improvement toward an accident-free, environmentally sustainable workplace through effective administration, education and training. All the engineers, supervisors, concerned employees and workers are trained so as to achieve our objective of eliminating the "near misses", thereby reduce the risk of injuries. The management and each employee shall ensure that every reasonable precaution in all circumstances will be taken for the protection of all workers and public at large. Site supervisors will responsible for the health and safety of workers under their supervision.
Modern Arch Contracting Est. undertakes to:
- Implement our health and safety management system at all times
- Provide and maintain safe working environment.
- Ensuring that each employee plays an active part in the health and safety programme of company.
- Ensure that adequate training is provided when new substances, plant, equipment, machinery, processes, premises are introduced.
- Ensure that all plants and equipment are maintained in safe environment and under goes regular examination.
- Communicate this policy to our employees, stakeholders, and all interested parties to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities